What happen if Earth stop rotating and spinning suddenly

What happen if Earth stop rotating and spinning suddenly?

Earth stop spinning HR Production

These are the below things that will be happen if earth stop.

1.       If earth stop suddenly then environment of earth will continue their motion. Earth spinning speed is approx 1100 km/hr. everything present on earth will continue their motion with that speed. Everything will be fly on west direction with bullet speed.

2.       Those people will be on aeroplane will feel high speed storm that throw them away.

3.       Those people will be on space may be safe but there will no one on earth to welcome them lolz.. 

4.       Those people will be on poles of earth may be safe.

5.       The oceans will reform. The equator will be covered by water. Many country will be separated.

6.       There will be day on half of earth and on other side will be dark. No more day and night occur. Day and night become static.

7.       Half of earth become hotter due to sunlight and half of earth become cooler.

8.       Tsunami will occur with high altitude.

9.       Whether condition will be stop.

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